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Wudao City God Parade




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For details, please contact the Event Organizer.

Event Date 2023-05-06~2023-05-30

Held every year on lunar April 12th, the City God Parade is a traditional Minnan temple festival with a long history. In 2013, it was selected as one of the "Taiwan Religious Scene Top 100." In the same year, it was designated by Ministry of Culture as the first national "important folklore" in the outlying islands.

As the largest folk celebration on Kinmen Island, the City God Parade retains the characteristics of Minnan religious celebrations. The highlight event is held on lunar April 12th, Welcome ceremony of City God, led by Wudao City God Temple and conducted according to traditions. Not only traditions must be carried on, but innovations must also happen such that the Kinmen City God Parade can be known and shared by the world.

Refer to the latest announcements from the organizer for the specific time and location of the event.